头条:do with和deal with的区别-do with 和 deal with相关的例句

2023-02-07 12:13:57 来源:教育快播网

关于“do with和deal with的区别-do with 和 deal with相关的例句”,壹壹高考网 (http://www.yygled.com)小编为大家从网络整理了以下精彩内容,仅供参考阅读。壹壹高考网会持续对相关的内容进行更新。

一、do with和deal with的区别

1.do with和 deal wit两者都可以表示"应对,应对,应的,处理的,安排的",但是 deal是不及物动词,可以与 how连用;而 do是及物动词,只能与 what连用,不可单独使用。

2.do with经常与连接代词 what连用,而 deal with经常与连接副词 how连用,例如:


I don" t know how they deal with problem.(= I don" t know what they tho with the problem.)我不知道他们怎么处理这个问题.

He is easy to deal with.(= He is easy to do with.此时" do"是不及物动词)他很容易相处.这两个词在使用上有细微的差别.一般来说, do with表示"被处理"、"忍受"、"相处"、"相关"等等.

3.de al with也可以表示"论述,涉及;与…相处"等含义,而 do with没有这个用法。关于亚洲问题的书 books dealing with Asian problems sell well in colleges.在大学里非常畅销。

" That man is easy to deal with.这个人很容易相处。

接下来跟着小编一起来看看“do with 和 deal with相关的例句”的相关内容。

二、do with 和 deal with相关的例句

1、They have not finalized the deal with the government.


2、This has fuelled speculation that he is about to clinch a deal with an American engine manufacturer.


3、It has nothing to do with you.


4、I swear on all I hold dear that I had nothing to do with this


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